
0 Watchers1 Deviation

vampire kisses 2

38 min read
Vampire Kisses

Chapter one: A Horrific Assault

At the time I was an 18 year old student. Just a normal girl in a normal school. It was the beginning of a new year. My first year of college. I was a freshman in college then. I was so excited. Normally, I got good grades without even trying very hard so I was expecting good things from the year. Soon enough, though, that would change. All I wanted now, was to just get through my schooling without...changing, to put it simply.

As I sat in the classroom waiting I heard the door open and a man begin to speak.
"Is anyone in here?" he called out into the darkness of the room. I hadn't bothered to turn on the lights. I like the dark.
"Hi," I answered. He seemed to have been surprised that anyone was in the room. He stumbled back a few steps, flicked the light on then composed himself enough as to speak.
"Um..I'm Wind, but only call me that after class," He said to me as calmly as he could. "I'm the teacher for this room."
"Well then, it's nice to meet you. I'm Jin Tin." I put my arm out to shake hands with him. He only looked at it for a moment. Just then, he grabbed me and pinned me to a desk. I gasped in surprise. The first thought that ran through my head was that he was about to kiss me...or rape me. But he had seemed so nice. Then he opened his mouth to reveal sharp fangs, and he moved closer to my neck. Suddenly, he let go of me and quickly turned away.
"Don't get to close to me for a while," he said.
"O-ok," I stammered, then I grabbed my things and moved to a desk in the far back of the room.

As a school bell rang, students loudly rushed into the room and took seats."Hello everyone. Please take your seats," Wind said. "Today we will be talking about vampires." So many thoughts were running through my head at this point. I couldn't even look up at him. What just happened? Could he be a vampire? If he is why would he have attacked me. What if it happens again. Should I scream, or fight back? Would that only make matters worse? Would I really be able to take on a vampire if I fought back? At that point I was becoming frantic. "Are there any questions?" I looked up. "Jin Tin, do you have a question?" I was still in shock from the incident.
"N-no," I squeaked.
"Ok then." He continued with his lecture, and I continued staring at my desk.
"Are there any questions now?" he asked again. I slowly raised my hand. "Yes, Jin Tin?"
"H-how," I cleared my throat, "how would someone know if they had been assaulted by a vampire?"
"If the vampire showed their fangs. It's a dead giveaway."
"O-ok. Thank you." How can he discuss this so calmly? I thought.

Then the bell rang. I grabbed my bag quickly and headed for the door, but because I was in the back, I was the last person to get to the door. Before I could leave, Wind grabbed my arm and pulled me back in the room.
"You cant leave yet, Jin Tin," he told me. My eyes never left the floor as he spoke.
"O-ok." He let go of my arm.
"..What am I saying. Of course you can go." I looked up at him just for a moment. I could see just a small bit of shame, but it vanished as quickly as I saw it. I hurried out of the room and went to the rest room.

While I was there I washed my face with ice cold water to straighten out my head. You're imagining things. There's no way that vampires could be real. The only problem was that I wasn't convincing myself of that. I exited the rest room and headed to my next class. To get there though, I had to walk past that room. The room where wind had attacked me. I got a chill down my spine just thinking about it. He's probably not even in there, I told myself. When I walked by, though, I looked in the window on the door and was a girl in there with her back facing me. She looked familiar to me. It was my friend, Mar Yin. I stopped where I was to watch. She lifted her hair off of her neck, exposing it. The next thing a saw was Wind leaning down and biting into her neck. He was facing me during this, and he looked up and saw me staring in at them. He winked at me, and I turned away and rushed to my next class. Chapter two: Numb Thoughts

As I sat in the classroom I was really starting to worry. He saw me. I know he did. What is he going to do? Is he going to come after me? I saw him...bite her. Poor Yin Mar. He must be a vampire. But he saw me too. I know he did. He even winked at me for god's sake. You can't tell me that he didn't see me watching them. I wasn't paying any attention to the class, but I did notice when the door clicked open. I looked up on instinct and saw Wind standing in the doorway.

"Excuse me," he directed his comment to the teacher who's name I didn't even know because I wasn't paying any attention. "Could you please excuse Jin Tin for a moment? I need to speak with her." the teacher nodded and instructed me to go with Wind. I hesitantly stood up, and walked out of the class. Wind placed his hand on my back, ever so gently, guiding me back into that classroom. His class, where he assaulted me before anyone else was there.

I realized how gently and carefully he was touching my back, his hand just lingering on me there, guiding me down the hall. For a moment, I forgot all about how much he had scared me that morning. All I thought about until we got into the room was his hand. His hand on my back. The farther we walked the lower his hand slid down my back. By the time we got to Wind's class room, his hand was on my lower back, only 2 inches from my butt, but as soon as we walked into his room and he closed the door behind us, he dropped his hand to his side. That actually made me a bit sad. At the time I had no idea why it made me feel that way. I would find out soon enough, though.

When we first entered the room, we were both silent for a little while. He was arranging papers on his desk. How stereotypical I thought.Then, Wind began to speak.
"What you saw were never meant to see that."
"I gathered that much," I replied. "But why...why would you do that. It's horrible and cruel." At that point I was rambling on quickly."I can't believe tha..." Wind cut me off, grabbed me and slammed me against the wall, holding me there. I couldn't move.

"The only people I do that to asked me to do it. Do you really think she would have given in without fighting had she not wanted me to turn her?" I was stunned that he yelled at me. I can't believe that I had upset him so badly. I looked directly into his eyes. His deep emerald green eyes. Something I learned that I could do to see how he was really feeling. I was able to read the emotion in his eyes every time. I could see pain, and concern. For what, I didn't know, but it was there. Then it changed. The pain became anger, and the concern became determination. Once again, Wind opened his mouth and bared his teeth. He leaned down toward my neck, but right when I expected him to bite me, he turned his head up toward my ear and whispered, "Promise me that you won't tell anyone about what you saw today."
"I promise."
"How can I trust you? How do I know that you're not just saying that?" I was hesitant to reply.
"Well...I guess you won't. You'll just have to believe me." this time he was the one who was hesitant..
"Very well the." he let go of me so I could move. "If I find out that you told someone, well you don't want to know what will happen." He smirked at me. "You may go now,"he said, and I did.

As soon as I got back to my class the bell rang. The teacher gave me a dirty look. She obviously wasn't happy about me missing the majority of the class. I only ignored her though. She had no idea what I was going through right now. I grabbed my bag and walked out of the classroom. I can't believe how calm I am about all of this. I thought to myself, as I walked toward my house. I was so glad that I only had two morning courses. That means I get to go home and relax for a little while. I had just walked off campus and had five more blocks to walk to my house. Perfect. Just enough time to clear my mind. Chapter 3: Unusual Ideas

As I walked down the street towards home, I was thinking about the assignment that had been on the board of the class I completely missed(OK so I was there for half of it but I was deep in thought so I pretty much missed everything the teacher said). That wasn't there when I left the room. She must have put it up after I was gone. I still have no idea how I'm going to do it though. I Was so deep in thought that I almost didn't notice Wind standing on my front step, leaning on my door.

He wasn't looking in my direction. Not even remotely. For a moment I considered just turning around and going to the campus library until my next class, but then he looked over and I knew that he saw me. There was no turning around and running now. But there he was. Just standing there in has jeans and oxford shirt. He looked so cute. And it was obvious that he was waiting for me. I knew that he was only 20 because there was a short paragraph about each teacher on the schools website. Two years. That's really not that much of an age difference.

I wasn't as afraid now as I was when he called me out of my second period class, but a little bit of fear still lingered over my head. I unintentionally slowed my pace. I had less than a block to walk, but I suddenly felt very tired – almost heavy. Like my feet were dragging on the ground. Almost like I was about to collapse at any second. But I didn't. And I wish I had. then maybe I could get out of whatever was going to happen next. All I knew was that it wouldn't be pretty. So, I tried to prepare myself mentally. Don't worry. He's just a teacher. A teacher who just happens to be a vampire...that obviously wants to eat me. But none-the-less, everything will be fine. I was feeding myself  bull, and I knew it.

It took me what seemed like forever to get to my door. "You're a slow walker," he said.
"Um, thanks? So what are you doing here?" I tried to make casual conversation while I messed with my lock, trying to open the door.
"Waiting for you. I think we should talk." I got my door open finally and I looked at him. He held it open for me and we both walked inside. I was a little uneasy about all of this, but I acted as if I thought it was normal.
"So..."I said. "What do you need to talk to me about?" I was trying to walk into the kitchen, but he wasn't following me. "You can come the kitchen I mean." Wind followed me back into the kitchen as I offered him a drink. "Would you like tea or coffee or something?" I asked.
"No. Thank you. I might get something later though." He said that last sentence with a big grin on his face. Maybe it's an inside joke that I'm not in on.

I put some water on to boil and told Wind to sit down. Then I got a mug and a tea bag for myself. My kitchen was rather small though and my table was only big enough for one or two people, so when I sat down, I was very close to him. Being so close to him made my heart flutter. Come to think of it, my heart always did that when I was this close to him. "Well," he said, "I really did come because I needed to talk to you. You see, I'm not sure if I can really believe you when you say that you won't say anything to anyone."
"What could I possibly do to have you believe me?" I asked. I really didn't want there to be any tension between us. Especially because I would have to see him almost every day for the rest of the year. I really couldn't afford for there to be tension.
"Well actually." he began as I got up to retrieve my hot water for my tea, "there is something." I poured my water into my mug, then put the kettle back on the stove.i sat down next to him again.
"Really? What is it then?" I took a sip of my tea as he answered.
"You could let me have my way with you." I nearly choked on my tea. His eyes became wide with concern. "I'm sorry. Are you alright?" I nodded frantically as I swallowed the tea that was left in my mouth.

"What do you mean by that? To have your way with me I mean." At this point, I was utterly confused.
"I mean a lot of things," he said, "Some simple small things like the obvious 'don't tell anyone' rule, and some larger things like what will happen if you tell anyone. There are also things that will happen whether you tell anyone or not." As he said this he raised one eyebrow. "I'd be happy to show you one of the things that will happen anyway now if you would like."
"Yes. Actually, I'll take you up on that offer," I said.
"Ok then," he said with a wide grin. "Stand up, and I'll show you." Chapter 4:Love at First Bite

Wind offered his hand to me, I took it, and I stood up. He pulled me in close to him. Once again I thought that he was going to kiss me. When I looked into his eyes, those beautiful emerald green eyes, I saw a longing. This time though he wasn't holding me down, or against any walls, or pinning me to anything so I didn't think that he would bite me. He had his arms wrapped around my waist, with his hands resting softly on my midriff. Wind's arms were holding me against him, but only gently and loosely. I most definitely could have escaped his grasp, but I even more definitely didn't want to.

He was leaning into me already. I was almost completely positive that he was going to kiss me this time. But did I want him to? His face was near mine but he hadn't showed me his teeth. His face was less than an inch from my face when his took another course. He was hesitant, but he gently kissed my neck. I inhaled. A second later, I felt a sharp prick on my neck right where he had kissed me. The pain was nothing more than a pinch, but I knew that he had done. Wind bit me.

My eyes got wide as it finally sank in. Oh no. this is bad. What's going to happen now? I won't become a vampire like him, will I? He pulled away from my neck. "What happens now?" I asked worried. I didn't want to be a vampire too.
"Nothing," he said. "Unless you want something else to happen."
"But won't I...become like you?" he chuckled at me.
"No. I would have to do something much different to turn you." he looked me in the eye. "Why? Do you want to be turned?" He seemed genuine, though. I didn't think that he was trying to intimidate me or pressure me to let him turn me. He really wanted to know if I wanted to be a vampire like him, but still, I was anything but slow to answer him.
"No!" I almost yelled, then calmed myself down. "I don't. At least not now anyway." I started connecting the dots then. Is that what he meant when he said he might get something later? He must have drunk some of my blood. It's not like he would just bite me and keep his mouth on my neck unless he took some of my blood. Did he know that he was going to do that before I even got home? The thought sent a chill down my spine.

"OK. Are you alright though? He must have noticed when I got the chill. Why else would he have asked me? I started getting that fluttering feeling again.
"U-um yeah. I think so. I just got a chill." That's when I noticed that his hands were still on my lower back. He was still holding me against him. I didn't want him to let go.
"Are you sure?" he asked again. "You look kind of...faint." I felt faint, but not in a sick way. I felt faint in the way that my heart was pounding out of my chest, but I wasn't about to admit that to Wind.
"Yes, I'm sure that I'm fine. So what are some of the other conditions?" I asked smirking. I also wasn't going to admit that I actually enjoyed the bite. He half smiled.
"Those, you'll just have to wait to find out, that is if you agree." I was only a little bit hesitant, but I eventually decided to go along with it, especially if it meant that that would happen to me more.
"OK. I'll agree to it then. I won't tell anyone. It wouldn't benefit me if I told someone anyway." Wind had a wide, toothy grin on his face. A grin that said "I know something you don't know."
"I'm glad that you decided on that," he told me. Then he tightened his grip on me, around my waist. When I looked up into his eyes again, the longing was gone. It had been replaced by determination. I tried to figure out what he was so determined to do, but I couldn't do it. He started to speak to me again. "You know, you really appeal to me much more than any other girl does." I wasn't quite sure what he meant by that, so I questioned it.
"What do you mean, ' I appeal to you?'" I tried to keep a straight face when I asked. He was so cute. I had never noticed before that he had dimples. But only when he smiled – I loved it when he smiled. I guess I was too afraid before to notice.
"Well, for starters," he began, "you're absolutely beautiful." I blushed a deep pink. No one had ever called me beautiful to my face except my father, but that's his job. I didn't consider myself to be beautiful either, but he wasn't done. He leaned in closer to my face. "And your scent. It's amazing. It just keeps bringing me back to you." I started to smile. He really was as cute and sweet as I thought the first time I ever saw him. Before all of the fear and confusion. Chapter 5: Lonely Afternoon

After he said that, he touched his forehead to mine so that our noses touched. Then he moved in closer to me and tightened his arms around me so that he had one hand on each of my hips. He began listing more things that he liked about me. "Even though I know that I scared you sometimes, you never let it get to you. You never let it show. That makes you one of the strongest girls that I know. But other than that, you're like a magnet, and I'm a metal paper clip. You draw me towards you, and I can't really say how or why." I took my arms which had been at my side and put them around his torso. I could feel every muscle in his back. When I repositioned myself comfortably, Wind took it as a sign to go ahead since all I did was bring my self closer to him, but then my kitchen clock chimed on the hour.

"Oh crap," I said as I pulled away from Wind and started gathering my things.
"What's wrong?" he asked as if he didn't know. I could tell that he did, but decided to humor him.
"I'm going to be late for my next class." I was still rushing around trying to find my things.
"I'll drive you back to the campus. I have a class now too anyway." he was really disappointed. I could just tell. I saw it in his eyes, and I could hear it in his voice. It was almost as if I'd known him for so long that I could really read him easily. I grabbed my book bag and Wind got his briefcase and we were off to the school. As soon as we got to then entrance of the school, he said, "Here, you get out here & get to class. I can be a few minutes late."
"Thank you so much," I said. I was really grateful to him right then, but I had to hurry. I jumped out of the car and ran to my class.

The bell rang five seconds after I took a seat in class. I had a funny feeling that I wouldn't be paying too much attention to this class either. But this time, it would be because I would be daydreaming, not worrying. In stead of taking notes, I just doodled. No way could I take notes on something that I wasn't even listening to so I decided not to try, but later decided that I should at least try. If I get distracted then at least I tried and I'll hopefully get a few good notes at least. And I did get a few good notes too. It wasn't bad, and what we were going over I already knew pretty well. Plus the subject wasn't dull, which helped me pay more attention. About 35 minutes into class, though, I was in a completely different world.

I was trying to decide whether I should go to Wind's class after the bell rang because this was my last class for today. I was really hoping that he wouldn't have a class so that we could spend some more time together. I never imagined that I would actually want to spend time with a vampire. But then again, when we're just talking, all vampire things se aside, I really enjoy my time with him. He's so sweet. He drove me here because he knew that I would be late and that it was important to me that I wasn't. He could have easily made me stay there, but he didn't. He wanted to make me happy, and he wanted me to know that he cares. Well, I sure as hell know, now don't I!

The clock in the front of the room said that the bell would ring in about a minute, so I started to gather up all of my things. I had decided that I was going to stop by his classroom before going back home. If he asks what I want I can just say that I wanted to thank him again for the ride. Then I could ask if he has another class. If he does I'll go home, if not I'll ask if he would want to come back to my place. I thought that was a really good plan.

The bell finally rang and I was really eager to go and see Wind again. It had only been an hour but I really, truly missed him. I practically jumped out of my chair, and ran out of the room. People were looking at me with weird faces because I had pretty much jumped over desks and chairs without saying a single word. I walked pretty quickly to Wind's classroom, but he wasn't there. Maybe his class was in another room. I was disappointed, but once again, this is just something I wouldn't admit to. I was starting to think that I had issues with accepting the truth about things like this, but what could I do now?

I was headed to the school café next.  I planned on getting a cup of coffee then heading back to my house, and that's what I did. The coffee was expensive and not worth it, but it was still kind of refreshing. I started the walk back to my house since I had just killed 15 minutes, and really should start on some of my work. I was almost home too, but then I noticed someone was on my stoop again. I really hoped it was Wind. Chapter 6: Unwanted Warnings

When I saw someone on my stoop I started to get excited. Maybe it's Wind. I hope it is. As I got close, I could tell that it was a girl leaning against m door this time. I didn't know too many people here yet, but she looked a little familiar, even from so far away. By that point, I knew it wasn't wind, but I started walking faster anyway. There was someone there after all. Not the person I wanted to see but still, I didn't want to be rude. When I got to my door, I recognized the person there. It was Yin-Mar.

I knew she looked familiar. "Hey," I said, "what are you doing here?" I was really just trying to be polite. There was no need for me to be rude and offend her.
"Well, I think we should talk about something. Can we go inside and talk please?" I had no reason to say no.
"Sure. Let me just open the door, and we can sit in the kitchen and talk." It took me a minute to get the door open. I hadn't been living there very long so I still wasn't used to the locks, or anything else for that matter. "Come on in," I said and led her into the kitchen. We both took a seat. She sat where wind had been earlier. Seeing her there instead of him only made me miss him more. "So, what did you want to talk to me about?"
"I wanted to talk to you about someone that you've been spending a lot of time with in the past day." the only person I had spent any time with had been Wind, but I decided to play dumb until I knew her intentions.
"Who are you talking about?" I hoped that I was convincing her.
"You know who. Don't be stupid." she was beginning to get angry and yell.
"No. I'm not. I really don't know who you're talking about." She let out a loud, angry sigh.
"Wind!" she shouted at me. I don't like you, but I want him!"
"What do you mean?"
"I saw you two. You walked to his classroom together." she began to count off her points on her fingers. "You got out of his car earlier. He was even here waiting for you five minutes before you got home. He was waiting, but he gave up." So he had been here.

"Look." I said, "you can't tell me who to talk to or who to hang out with. There's nothing going on between up." I hoped that that wasn't true. "Just leave me alone." Now I was starting to get angry. How dare she tell me who I could, and couldn't talk to. "Why shouldn't I see him anyway?"
"Because you don't know him or understand him. You just met him today."
"So what?! I know him well enough!" She clicked her tongue.
"You wish! You don't know him at all."
"I don't care! You can't stop me from seeing him, or anyone else for that matter."
"Fine. But I warned you!"
"Please, just leave" She nodded, and walked to the door. Neither of us spoke, but she nodded down the hall at me and closed the door behind her.

I walked back into my house, to take a bath. It was really relaxing compared to the rest of my day. When I was done, I decided to fix my hair for the next day...and for Wind, that is. I blow dried it, then straightened it. It took an hour, though, so by the time I was done, I was too tired for homework. I got myself some of the chocolate cake that I had been saving. It's just what I needed. Then, I went to bed, but I was still slightly upset.

As I was dozing off, I heard my window click open. If it's an intruder, then why would they come into the room I'm in?  I opened one eye, but only enough for me to see who it was, and not enough for them to know that I was awake. I can't believe it! It's wind! He was sneaking in my window in the middle of the night. What's he going to do?

Soon enough, I decided to pretend to be sleeping. He slowly walked toward my bed, then stopped a foot away from me. I think he sighed lowly, but I couldn't hear him too well. He sat down next to my bed. He just sat there, then he slowly reached his hand up, towards my face, and gently stroked my cheek. I tried not to shake as I got a chill from his touch. He got up and walked around to the other side of my bed. My back was towards him now. He was trying to be slow and quiet, but I knew what he was doing. He was climbing into my bed! Once again, Wind was making my mind go absolutely crazy.

What is he doing? Is he going to try anything? Why did he even come in here? Does he think I'm asleep? What if he knows that I'm awake? Does he expect something from me? He slowly and quietly wiggled himself closer to me. My heart was pounding, but he stopped just a few inches from my back. I could hear him breathing. In. Out. He sounded so calm and peaceful next to me. I didn't want to break the silence, but I felt like if I didn't, my heart would explode. I tried to decide what to do. Maybe I should just start talking to him of maybe I could roll over and then talk. Maybe I should just try to sleep. I think that my head is going to explode, that is if my heart doesn't first. Finally, I knew what I had to do. If I didn't do it soon though, it'd be too late. Vampire Kisses

Chapter 7: An Awe-inspiring Evening

Before I could do anything, Wind reached out and wrapped his fingers through my nicely straightened hair. He kept on playing with it. Then, I did what I knew I had to do. I turned over as soon as he moved his hand out of my hair.
"Hi," I said. He didn't seem surprised at all.
"You're a bad faker." He was smiling. I opened my mouth.
"How could you tell?"
"You were awake when you heard the window open. Then you saw me and didn't move."
"OK. You caught me. So why are you here? In my bed?"
"I missed you today. I waited at your house after school, and you never showed up."
"I got...a little surprise. That's all." Now he seemed surprised.
"Really? What happened?" I could see worry in his eyes this time. A worry for me, and my well being.
"Well, do you remember that girl I saw you with in your class today?" He nodded slightly, just enough for me to see.
"Is something wrong with her?" Now he looked concerned for both me and her.
"Well, she stopped by today. She told me that you were off limits." I said this calmly and matter-of-factly, but Wind was still taken back.
"What?" He yelled. "Off limits? What was she talking about?" I chuckled. He was too cute when he was confused.
"She came over and asked if we could talk. I had no idea why at the time, but it's not like I could just say no. so we sat in my kitchen and talked. That's when she told me that you and I had been spending too much time together..." He cut me off.
"But I only met you today!"
"I know, but then she said that she liked you." His jaw dropped.
"No wonder..."
" cam by earlier–after school–and she was following me. When she saw me stop here though, she hid until I left."
"Well that would explain it."
"Explain what?"
"How she knew that you had been here." I sighed and lied back down. "I don't really want to talk about this anymore."
"OK, my dear." He reached over and stroked my cheek. I giggled. Could he be any cuter?
"So why did you decide to break into my house, exactly?" I had no clue what had compelled him to sneak in my window in the middle of the night.
"I...just wanted to see you again." Wind averted his eyes away from mine, and mumbled, "I missed you." Then he blushed. He just got cuter. He looked at me again, and inched closer to me under the covers. "Like I said before, you're absolutely beautiful. You are my magnet and I am your paper clip." That made me laugh.

I really wanted to stay up and talk more, but I was getting really tired, and Wind could tell. It was 2 o'clock already, and I was lying with my back against Wind's chest. His arms were wrapped around my body. We were just there. Together. Alone. And it felt perfect. I didn't want to move, but then he whispered in my ear.
"Go to sleep. You need rest, and I'm not leaving anytime soon." I smiled.
"You should sleep too."
"I don't sleep. I'm a vampire, remember?"
"Oh that's right." I yawned.
"Now sleep, darling." He kissed my cheek and I smiled again.
"I'll sleep on one condition."
"What's that?" He moved in closer to me."If you promise to stay here until I wake up, I'll go to sleep.""As you wish." He put his head on my shoulder. "Now sleep," and I dozed off, and fell asleep with Wind holding on to me.When I woke up, we were laying in exactly the same place as the night before. I was – of course – in a great mood because wind kept his promise, and hadn't left my side. I opened my eyes as sighed lowly. It was perfect. This must be what heaven feels like.
"Good morning, my dear." He kissed my cheek. "How did you sleep?"
"Hmm," I hummed contently. "Perfectly." I sat up and stretched out my arms. "I hadn't slept that well in a long time.""I'm glad that you're rested, but I should go home and get ready for work. You should get ready without distraction too.""Ohh.." there went my heaven, "I guess you're right. I probably look a mess." Wind got up and walked toward me."You always look beautiful." I blushed, then he chuckled, and put my face in his hands and kissed my forehead. "I'll see you at school," and he was gone out the front door. How he got to it so quickly, I had no idea. I changed my clothes and decided to wear a denim skirt with leggings, and a t-shirt. I don't know why I'm trying to impress him with my clothes, he already likes me...well I hope he likes me. He did sneak in my window last night to be with me though. That has got to mean something. Then I brushed my teeth, and my hair, got my stuff, and left. The whole walk to school, I was in a daze.I was thinking about last night, and about how great I was. And how rested I was for only getting to sleep at 2 o'clock. I was thinking about how great it was to wake up in Wind's arms. It was so wonderful and I felt like it could have lasted forever. I wish it had. Once I finally got to school, went straight to the room where it had all begun yesterday. He wasn't there yet, so I sat down near the front of the room. And I waited. Chapter 8: New Day, New Feelings.As I sat there, I decided to finally get started on the homework that I didn't feel like doing the night before. The work was easy, but I had a feeling that it was going to get harder very soon. Then, I heard the door click open, and I thought that is was Wind, and got a little bit over-excited, but when I looked up, I saw that it was Yin Mar. "Oh...Hey," I said, lacking any noticeable enthusiasm. "What are you doing here? This isn't your home room, is it?" I prayed that she would give me the answer I was hoping for, and assure me that there was no way that I would be seeing her more than I already was.
"No, it's not, but wee need to talk again." Oh god. What now?"Okay. What's up?" I knew she was going to be yelling soon, and I hoped that Wind would walk in the middle of one of her yelling fits."Well, for starters, you didn't listen to me." She was calm as of now.
"Oh? How's that?""I saw him leave your house really early this morning. I saw it with my own eyes! You cannot possibly try to tell me that it wasn't him." She was beginning to get really upset, but she was just barely yelling at this point."The I guess I won't, then. [i]I can't believe that she's still trying to control me like this."Don't you have anything to say for yourself?!" She was screaming now."Nope. I don't have to explain myself or my actions to you. Plus, why were you near my house so early anyways?"."Well....because I felt like taking a walk this morning." Her face was turning red, but this time, from embarrassment. I was laughing, still as calm as ever."Okay. If you say so," I said, trying to hold back a laughing fit that was sure to come. That only upset her even more."Are you stupid?!?!" She screamed. Wind opened the door, as quietly as possible, like he always did. Yin Didn't notice since her back was facing him, and she was occupied with screaming at me. "I told you that he's mine! I told you to stay away from him, and that if I saw you with him again, bad things would happen!" Just then, I cut her off."Where do you get off telling me what to do? You're not my mother, you're not older than me, and I barely know you. What is your problem? This is college, and you're bringing petty high school drama in. To me, it seems like you want attention. Well, turn around, 'cause you've got an audience." She looked at me puzzled for a moment, and then turned her head to see not only Wind, but also a few students who had come to class early standing in a small group against the white board.. And she stood there, motionless, and dumbfounded. Wind took a few steps closer to her, and started speaking to her."Yin it?" She nodded. "Is this your home room?" When she didn't respond, he said, "I think you should go." She nodded again, and walked through the door, closing it behind her. Then he turned back to see the audience that had formed. "You should go too. Come back in when the bell rings, and close the door behind you."After they had all left the room, Wind walked over to me as I sat in my seat, and continued with my homework. "Hey," he said."Hi, Wind." I looked at him and smiled, then started working again."Are you okay?" He seemed really concerned."Yeah, I'm fine. Starting to get used to it, really. But, don't worry, I didn't say anything bad to her, or anything like that." In a way, I was worried that he wouldn't believe me, ans that he would think that I was starting all this petty drama."Yes, I know." He paused for a minute, and looked down at my notebook, obviously searching for the next words that he was gonna say. "....You know, I could talk to her for you, if you'd like. Maybe that would help to get her off of your back.""Oh, no. Don't worry about it. I don't wanna drag you into this any farther than you already are. I'll just put up with her until she gets over herself. It shouldn't take too much longer at this rate." When I looked into his eyes this time, there was anger, and loathing, but those emotions were being consumed by willingness, and knowing, and believing, and the one emotion that really got to me, It appeared to me as love. [i]No., I'm crazy! There's no there?[/I] He caught me staring into his eyes and spoke to me again."You know that I believe you, and that I think you can handle it, but, if it gets rough, and you need anything, tell me." he looked absolutely adorable right then. He was so worried and concerned. All for me. Then he pulled me closer to him, and rested his arms on my hips. This action caught me off-guard and I took a deep breath. "Just be careful. I don't want to see anything bad happen to you." And he kissed me. It was so gentle and caring. Unlike anything that I had ever felt in my life. But the bell rang, and he let go. He was on the other side of the room before I could blink. Then he winked at me, and I could feel all the blood rushing to my face as I sat down again.Students started filing into the room slowly. It was obvious that the spectacle had already been spread to the whole class, but I didn't care. All I cared about was that the bell cut our kiss much too short. I watched Wind as he taught. It amazed me how he could look so normal while he taught. Like nothing had just happened. I was able to pay attention today. I got some great notes, and some great hearts doodled all over my paper. When class ended, I put all my things away very slowly, so that I would be the last one out of the room, but even after everyone else was gone, Wind didn't say anything to me. He didn't even look in my direction.
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vampire kisses

16 min read
1) The Doors

I didn't know where I was. I was just walking aimlessly through...somewhere. There was a blindfold over my eyes so I had no idea where I was. My only hope was to trust Alexander with his sense of direction. "Alexander, why can't you tell me where we're going?" My vampire boyfriend didn't answer. Instead, he impatiently pulled me ahead more. It wasn't that I didn't trust Alexander. I trusted him with my life. It's just that he would have said something by now. I was starting to wonder if it was even HIS hand I was holding on to. My god, Raven, I thought to myself. How could you doubt your own soulmate? That shut my thoughts up for the time. When he finally spoke, there was a smile in his voice. "Okay. We're here." Alexander let go of my hand and untied my blindfold so I could see where "here" was. It turns out that "here" should have been "WAY out of here". It was like I was in my bed and watching The Nightmare Before Christmas. Actually, it was exactly like that! We were in the forest where Jack found the holiday doors. Specifically, we were in the MIDDLE of the surrounding holiday doors! This was way way way WAY out of this world! I staggered backwards slightly, but Alexander caught me. I was mumbling like an idiot. Alexander laughed. "I thought you might like this," he said. I looked up at him. My eyes caught his. I could tell that this was all for real. No tricks whatsoever. Alexander took my hand and led me to the door with the pumpkin door. He began to recite something. Then I realized it was the opening from the movie. "Tawas a long time ago
Longer now than is seems
In a place that perhaps you have seen in your dreams
For the story that you are about to be told
Took place in the holiday worlds of old
Now you're probably wondering where holidays come from
If you haven't, I say it's time you begun." Alexander could give Patrick Stewart a run in for his money. My boyfriend opened the door and beckoned me towards it. "Shall we?" I hesitated slightly, but I went up to it and peered inside. Nothing. "There's nothing in here," I said to him. Alexander just shook his head and took my hand. "Silly, Raven. Wait for it." What did he mean? And what was "it"? Suddenly, a strong gust of wind came out and grabbed us both. Now I remembered. That's how Jack ended up in Christmas Town. The wind pulled him in. Oh crap. Then I remembered that I had my vampire with me. I looked at him and he smiled."Hang on!" he exclaimed. And before you could say "good Goth", we were tumbling into darkness. Yes, it's short. I'll get more as soon as possible.

2) The Cemetary

When I woke up, I was in Alexander's arms. He was craddling me to his chest and humming some tune I could not recognize. I groaned and tried to get up but Alexander held me tightly. "You okay?" he asked. I nodded. With that, he let go of me and let me sit up. That's when I became aware of my surroundings. All I saw was the dark sky. Then I realized that we must have been somewhere up high. I looked down. Sure enough, we were on a hill in the middle of a graveyard. The graveyard from The Nightmare Before Christmas! I couldn't move. Nor did I want to move. I was so beautiful! The various gravestones. The forest of dead trees that lay ahead. It was breathe-taking. Alexander rubbed my shoulder and kissed my neck. "I knew you'd like it." I smiled and gave him a Ruby squeeze-hug. Even with me pinning his arms to his side, he still managed to put his hands on my waist. We were definitaly into the moment. But it didn't last. Our moment of bliss was abruptly interupted by loud, blasting sounds coming from the graveyard. A dark figure, unmistakibly a girl, ran through the cemetary. Someone, or something, was flying above her, trying to shoot her with a laser gun. Alexander broke our embrace and stared at the battling creatures. I looked up at him. "What is it?" I asked. His eyes reddened with anger. "Vampirial dispute." "Is there such a word?" "Not to humans. Apparently, the one with the gun is a damper and the victim is part of the modern Wiccan culture." "English please." My boyfriend groaned. "Okay. The attacker is part human, part vampire. Meanwhile, the victim is a witch." I felt a shock go through me when I heard "vampire" and "witch". "This can't be for real." "Welcome to Halloween Town, Raven." I wasn't paying attention to what he said. I was looking at the two figures who were now silent and standing a few feet away from each other. I felt worried. What was going on? Who were those...what were they? Then, I felt something else different about my surroundings. Or rather, it was what I didn't feel. The presence of my boyfriend was slipping away. I turned around franticaly. Alexander was gone. I kept running but Damon kept catching up to me. I managed to dodge the fires from his gun, but how long could that last? I looked at my bandaged feet as I ran. The cloth was begining to cut loose. My dress grew even more beige and dingy. My long black hair flopped back and forth, so much that I thought it was a miracle that my comb-over was still covering my right eye. I looked at my 6-inch long, bony fingers and long, black painted fingernails. The bandages on those were also coming off. Every inch of my green skin was covered in dirt by now.I looked up ahead and halted. Damon stood in front of me, leaning on a tombstone with his arms crossed, in all his blue collar glory.Okay, black collar glory.He looked up at me with those piercing, hawk eyes. His wild, dark brown hair lay on his shoulders. The wind ruffled his black cape as he brushed some dust off of his black, Black Cat shirt with his fingerless gloved hands and crossed his arms once again. His black, skinny legged jeans were tucked neatly into his hiking boots. Damon flashed a sexy grin at me. For a damper, he was very beautiful. However, this was a deceitful and dangerous beauty. See, this is why he should join a witch hunt or something. Bad news for me, but still! Any vampire could see though that look, but no other species can.At first, I hadn't noticed the gun disappear. But then I saw it laying on the ground next to him. When I shifted my eyes back to him, his face was inches away from mine. I was startled but only slightly. I tried to turn and run but Damon held my shoulders firmly."Hunting vampires again?" I asked smuggly.Damon's smile held in place. "I'm not looking at a vampire now, am I? No.""What do you want then?""The same thing I've been wanting from you. To join me in the quest to eliminate vampires from the the universe."I cocked an eye brow. Yeah, I thought. That would explain why you were shooting at me. "I don't understand why you want to kill vampires. Wasn't your mother a vampire?""My mother was a discrete. She had to run off with my father. Then she had me without converting him. We dampers are outlaws in the Underworld. We are considered discraceful to the world.""Talk about ill breeding," I murmured. Damon brushed at my comb-over and pushed it back so that both my eyes were in view of his. "I could say the same about you. You're father wasn't much of a Wiccan lover, was he?"I frowned. I had never known my father. He was killed before I was born, but everyone said that it was interesting how he and my mother fell in love. She was a witch while he hunted mythical beings.I looked down. His words were becoming too powerful to me to handle. I felt his lips carress my cheek. Then he stopped, lifted his head up, and sniffed the air."Someone's here," his voice rumbled in my ear. He sniffed some more. "Coffin sleeper. Male."My eyes got wide. A vampire was here. I could feel it, too. Then a thought came to mind. I looked up at him."Are you sure it's not one of your two minions? You know, the VAMPIRE ones?"Damon had just gotten two new minions, which gave me something to ponder. If he hunted vampires, why did he have vampire minions? Honestly, how this guy's mind worked was beyond me.He did not move. "It's not one of them, but the scent is strangely familiar. It reminds me of when I was in Bucharest, Romania.""Aren't those two from Bucharest?"Suddenly, Damon threw me to the ground, picked up his gun, and started to walk around where we were standing. Whoever this new vampire was, it must have posed as a real threat to him because he was being extra cautious. Seeing that he was very preoccupied, I took this opertunity to make my contact spell to find Jack. I looked around. All action had ceased in the cemetery, but Alexander was nowhere to be seen. Where was he? Where could he have gone off to? I felt so worried. The last time he had left was sudden and unanounced but I was in Dullsville. Now I'm in another world that I don't know how to leave.What if something horrible had happened to Alexander and we were to never reach home again? What if I were to never see him again? I buried my face in my hands and cried. I then shifted into fetal position facing the graveyard, hoping that the Apocolypse would not come yet.Suddenly, I felt myself growing stiff. I tried to sit up but I was stuck in the position I was in. I was shaking like a leaf. It felt like someone had put a spell on me. Alexander, I thought, where are you?At that very moment, I saw two black shoes in front of my face. I shifted my eyes and strained to look upward."Alexander?"But it wasn't my Prince of Darkness. Instead, there was a man with waist long brown hair, dark clothing, and a sword in his belt. His face was youthful yet sturdy and he wore his eyebrows down and frowned in disappointment. He slowly bent down and placed two fingers on my neck like he was checking for a pulse. Even if I could have moved, I wouldn't have. This man seemed to be about two feet ahead of deadly.Thankfully, he withdrew his hand before I could suffer from a fatal heat attack. His facial expression didn't change. He just turned and addressed someone behind him."She's a human girl," he said in a deep, harsh voice. "And a live one as well.""How could she have gotten here?" I heard another voice, this one lighter and more heartier sounding."You're the king. Shouldn't you know?""Anyway, it looks like Speial is in trouble again.""Isn't she always?""You think so little of that girl, Siegfried.""That's besides the point. It-"Siegfried? That was a weird name. It certainly didn't fit the guy. Was he even German? Their conversation carried on."Anyway, I see Damon has returned," stated the second voice."Yes. And it appears that Speial isn't his only victim.""I've never seen him before.""He's a Romanian vampire. And Damon has a large grudge against the Romanian vampires."Romanian vampire? That couldn't be..."Anything else you know about him, Siegfried?""The vampire? He's of the Sterling heir line. We have to get down their now. Speial's in danger, too."After that, my thoughts were all blurry. They were talking about Alexander! But that couldn't be true. I suddenly felt myself slip into darkness with only one word in mind.Alexander... Damon…I knew the dhampir looked familiar. I didn't know who the witch was. As long as Raven was okay, it didn't really matter to me. I did feel a little guilty, however, for just leaving her on the hill. Behind a gravestone I used for hiding, I saw Damon looking around and sniffing. I could tell that he was on to me. I wasn't sure how long it would take for him to find me.I caught Damon smiling. "I know you're out their, Sterling. You can't hide from me."So he DID know I was here. I could see that this wasn't going to turn out so well. I knew I had to come out of hiding at some time, but when? There was nothing around that would be of any use for self defense, except for the soil maybe. Still, there isn't much to be done with graveyard soil, except for blinding.I peered behind the tombstone again. The witch was sitting in lotus position and chanting something. Damon, however, was no longer there. I looked around. Where could he have gotten to so quickly?Suddenly, I felt a large amount of pressure fall upon my hand. I winced and saw that it was being crushed by a large boot. Damon grinned with his fangs showing."Well, well. I've caught a little bat." His boot crushed down harder. "One that won't escape from me this time."I felt like my hand was broken. Vampire bones can heal fast but it would take hours. I couldn't fight with no right hand. Meanwhile, Damon's figure was blocking my view of Spiral Hill. I couldn't see Raven. And knowing her, it wouldn't have taken her long to find out what was happening. But everything seemed to be quiet. Far too quiet. Was she...Suddenly, I felt something smash against my head and knock me down. Dhampirs had very quick reflexes, some even quicker than those of a vampire. My vision was blurred but I could see Damon's mud clad boots in front of me. I tried to get up until I felt a burning sensation on my forearm. I looked to see a small chain on my arm and winced, fangs bared.Silver. One of the various items used against a vampire. Dhampirs, however, couldn't feel its effects."Oh, dear me. Are you hurt?"The fake sympathy didn't help in the slightest."I hope it hurts like hell. Vampires don't deserve to live. They're cursed demons created to destroy the world and damn us all."Then again, maybe the fake sympathy wasn't so bad after all.Suddenly, there was a rush of wind and the chain on my arm was gone."Figures you'd show up," I could hear Damon's voice say from far away. I stood up and saw the dhampir. In front of him was a tall, skinny man in black with a white, bald head and a green blob-like thing on his wrist."You've done enough damage here, Damon," he said. "It's time for you to leave.""Yeah? You think that you can stop me with a green piece of Jell-O?"I suddenly got an eerie feeling in the pit of my stomach. Raven! I had almost forgotten about her. Before I could do anything, long fingernails dug into my arms and I was hoisted to my feet. It was the witch."You okay, doll?" she asked. "Looks like the silver ate right through your sleeve."I looked at my arm. She was right. My sleeve had a long tear with blood dripping out. I started to get a little queasy, but the dizziness was soon replaced with hunger. Even vampires sometimes craved their own blood, usually when desperate or in pain. But now wasn't the time to think about my needs. When I tried to speak, I found that my voice was hoarse."Raven...""Who? Oh! You're little human friend." the witch shook me slightly as she spoke. "No need to worry about her. It looks like Siegfried's guarding her."Siegfried. The name sounded familiar. Where had I heard that name?Suddenly, the girl's fingernails dug deeper into my arm."Uh oh. Time to go, doll. Hang on to your hat."My vision slowly became clearer and I saw that we were hovering in the sky over the cemetery. Flashed of green and red were also present. Then my feet came in contact with something solid. I was back on Spiral Hill. Next to me was Raven, sleeping. When the witch let go of my arm, I kneeled down, taking Raven in my arms and letting her head rest on my chest. On her cheeks were tear marks like she had been crying.I turned my gaze to the two figures standing up. One was the witch with long fingers, dark hair, and green skin. Next to her was a tall vampire with long brown hair and a longsword."Looks like things are starting to heat up down there," the witch said in a perky voice."There's nothing humorous about it, Speial." the other one replied in a low, harsh tone. "Damon is very dangerous. And what were you doing out here anyway, causing trouble as usual?""Oh! Everything is MY fault, huh?""You just realized that?""What are you, my mother? For your information, Damon's two new gooneys were causing trouble so I followed them and got ambushed by their employer.""Whose plan you've fallen for AGAIN. I told you what to do if you see those two.""I know. I was going to come and get you, but they were causing trouble and when they were running from the scene of the crime, I decided to follow them to make sure they don't cause any more trouble.""And where has this gotten you?"The witch, Speial, tossed her hands up in disgust. "Would you forget about that for a minute and listen to me?""Never mind. I'm going down and helping. You stay here and watch these two."Special's dominator  suddenly changed and she shrugged. "Gotcha. Go get 'em, Siegfried!"
Without replying, he jumped down and joined the fight.
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school 4

16 min read
I sat in my school's cafe...silent... my friends talked about their boyfriends and how great they were...i could not join them...i had no boyfriend...i had no mom had just died of cancer and my father....well...he just got put on trial for murder...he left the country. I looked down at my food to notice that i was crying My friend Kelly looked over to me with her bright blue eyes and said to me..."are you ok?!" i did not answer her she fliped her long beautiful blond hair out of her face "please tell me..." she said I still didnt answer...i never told them about my dad...then my other friend Lily, my best friend, said to me "if you dont want to tell us thats fine" she smiled and put an arm around my shoulder. I wish i could tell them but they probably wouldnt be my firends after that...maybe Lily...

After school i used to get picked up by my now i walked was 25 blocks...but it doesnt matter i always got to go home to my pictures...i loved to take pictures with my mom...they were very special to me....they were...we took pictures of animals...moutians...and so much more...huh? i stoped walking and looked back. i had the feeling i was being watched but no one was there...i went on walking again but then i heard someone running in the forest i stoped and turned to my right. i looked at the forest for a long time but i saw no one. no one...was there? i said to myself i went on walking i finally got home. i lived alone very lonely...i sat down at my kitchen tabel and started my homework i read out loud " (3,9) m=2 hmm...too easy! the answer is y+-8=2(x+3)" i finished my homework in under 20 minutes. i started to make dinner chicken dumplings. i heard a noise outside, i looked out the window and saw no one i started to cook again but then a heard a chrasing noise outside i was frozen with fear i couldnt move i told myself i was hearing things but i knew that wasnt true. i started to the door ever so slowly i didnt know what was outside it could be a murder or maybe a robber? i dont know...i got to the door and opened it slowly...i saw a bat and the ground and i picked it up i walked around my my big white house...i saw no one...i droped the bat and ran back inside my house i shut the door and locked it. i went around my house and locked every door and very window i even blocked the fire place so no one could get was getting late so i went up to bed.... i got changed into a pick tanktop and white sweat pants...i was still very nervous about the noise i lay on my bed starting to fall asleep...sleep...sleep...sleep...

i woke up at 3:00 A.M. i heard something down stairs...i slowly got up and walked down the stairs slowly i heard the noise from the family room i walked slowly to the room no one...i turned around to see a boy he was my age with beautiful brown hair and gold eyes staring at me i steped back he reached toward me and said dont be not going to hurt you...i promise... his voice was so soft and gental. i started to back away when i bumped into something...or someone...i turned to see another boy but he had sharp teeth and red eyes he put a hand over my mouth..and...and!
i shot up from my bed..."it was...just a dream...?"I tried to forget about the dream but i couldnt...when i was in my civics class i didnt answer one question on my test...all i wrote was my name....i couldnt stay focused with Lily is worried about me...she keeps asking me whats wrong....but i cant tell her...i cant tell anyone....i also noticed that Kelly can get very jealous of me...i was in the study hall with Kelly when Mike Jasper came up to me and asked me out on a date, Kelly likes Mike alot even though shes dating Josh Freeman, i sure how about we see a movie and friday he agreed and walked away, Kelly then turned to me and glared at me with her blue eyes and said "hmph so you're going on date with Mike? hmph whatever...he was probably payed or something" i know most people wouldnt let her say that but whatever i mean i know she likes him... well...nothing going on anymore...i got to go to my Lit class...oh i forot to name is
Jacqueline or Jac i have red brown hair and green 16 just wanted you to know that...

~in Lit class~
Mr. Fraqui slowly walked in the room with his black dress coat flaping behind him "Ok class..." he said. "today we will be reading Katies story" the whole class including me sighed...we hated reading in his class...he always made us write 20 paged reports on the book "Now a very good book." We heard a knock on the door. everyone turned to door "ok class ill be right back" he said walking out of the room. We all started to talk. Lily turned to me and started to talk about how i was going on date with Mike...she even tried to get me to like him...but hes just a friend. Mr.Faqui walked back in the room "Ok class we have someone new here...please welcome him...his name Axel Charms" then a boy with soft colored brown hair and gold eyes walked in i slowly turned to mouth droped open...i couldnt believe was...him dream...? my breathing became short my eyes blacked in and out....i put a hand on my head trying to calm myself...but i couldnt control anything....i felt Lily put a hand on my shoulder...i..i...i....everything went black..."Jac! Jac! hey!" Lily yelled Mr.Fraqui ran over to my side "oh my! someone go get a nurse!" he said. Axel smiled and walked over to me "here..."he said in a very soft and beautiful voice, "ill take her...." Mr. Fraqui looked at Axel in the eye "but do you even know where they nurse is?!!" he yelled in an angery matter "Trust me..." Axel said nicely as he picked me up and walked out of the room...

i opened my eyes a little bit to Axel's beautiful gold eyes staring into mine...i was in the nurses room, sitting in a bed "h-huh? what happened?" i asked with a little shake in my voice Axel smiles at me with his pearl white teeth, "you fainted!" he laughed "oh...."i said back, i blushed. the nusre, Mrs-well Ms now, Ms.Flagon walked in the room...ever since her husband had died her eyes looked lonely and sad...her face looked worn out...and unhappy..."so how do you feel dear? " she asked me "i feel fine, thank you" i said "dont thank me! thnak this young man over here!" she pointed to Axel. "thank you...Axel right?" he nodded "and your name is?" he asked me "oh my name is Jacqueline, but you can call me Jac" i said he smiled at me "well im gonna go! see you later Jac!" he said as he touched my eyes felt heavy...i couldnt keepthem started to fall asleep...i heard his foot steps walk out of the

I woke up in a feild....i was standing there all one...a had a very bad feeling in my stomach...i heard a noice from behind me...i one...what is this grabed me! i struggled but i couldnt get loose...i tried and tired..but...i couldnt....i felt a cold breath move up and down my neck...and...and...and.........

i woke up from my dream breathing hard...i didnt know what time it was...i sat up in the bed and looked for a clock...there! oh..its lunch...i wonder...what Axel is going....well...i should get going to lunch....i got up from my bed looking around for Mrs.Flagon but i couldnt find her so i just signed myself out...i dont think she would mind....i walked down the blue and gold hallway thinking about that dream...i couldnt get it off my mind....i finally got to the lunch room...i scanned the area looking for Axel...but...he wasnt i picked up a trey and got in line for my food...the food here does...the only thing that i could stomach was a peice of bread...i walked over to my lunch table where Lily, Kelly, and Jen sat..."hi guys..."i said depressingly "whats wrong Jac?" Lily asked worried. "nothing..." Jen spoke up "she probably triped down the hallway and landing in the boys locker room!" Jen is my sister from another mother as i call her. we have been friends since pre K ... but she has now become my evil twin as i call her....Kelly laughed. Lily dipped her fingers in water and splashed them with water. "whatever!" Jen said madly "EW EW EW!!! LILY! IM ALL WET!!" Kelly yelled. "uh...yeah ok" Lily replied. i giggled a little. we sat and talked the rest of lunch period. for once i had my mind off of Axel...just once

After lunch Jen and i walked to our next class....math....i was pretty good at math but Jen was a genius! she has always gotten better grades then me. she was an amazing at drawing too...she has the nicest Bf in the world. his name is Sam, Sam Dough, he is on the football team he has straight As and always takes Jen to the nicest places. i have never had a Bf before....i think im ugly, but everyone says im beautiful and graceful...but......nevermind! on with math!

In math i sat next to Mike, Kelly sat two desks behind me...i always felt that she was always looking at a lion staring down its food...weird...Mike looed over to me "so what movie do you wanna see tomorrow?" he asked. "it doesnt matter, it up to you." he laughed. "you have always been like that!" he said i smiled. i opened my mouth to say something but Mrs. Birdturd i mean Mrs. Burton walked in the room...she is the meanest teach ever! she always gave us too much homework. and no one ever gets 100s on her tests. most of the rtme i get Bs... "Settle down class..." she said. no one settled. she sighed "SHUT UP!!" everyone hushed "thats! open your books to page 200!" i pulled out my book from my purple white backpack we will be learning about functions! everyone rolled their eyes. she laughed as she started to explain everything. i tried to keep up but i couldnt...that dream was still getting to me....i tried to find a way to think it out but i mind was going to explode...then thats it!i found out what it meant! so simple! easy! its-"Jac! what are you doing! your not even looking your book! what is wrong with you!" Mrs. Burton snaped "oh im sorry Mrs.bird- Mrs. Burton" i said almost laughing "Hmph!" she said. everyone giggled. finally math class ended...

I walked out of the class room with my head down...i had the idea...but i lost it...damn...i bumped into someone and fell and my butt. "ow..." i looked up to see Axel smiling down at me "need help?" he asked as he helped me up "sorry Axel" i said quickly. "its my fault" he said with a smile. i wanted to hug him...buti couldnt...i wish that these feeling would go away...i wish....i darted around him quickly...i ran out of the school building running home...i ran in my house and quickly shut the door i dropped my books...stupid Axel!! stupid! stupid! amazing...what! no! no!!! keep focus! keep focus! i had already finsihed my i decided to say in and put on my PJs...I jumped in my bed...i didnt want to have anymore of those dreams...i dont want to think about Axel either...i eyes started to feel heavy...i blacked in and out...i tried to stay awake..but...i...i..i fell asleep...

in my dream i was wearing what looked like a wedding was cream white and puffed from the waist had pearl button on the back and big hair was up in a bun. i looked around the old looking church but no one was there...i sighed but then i heard a piano play...i followed the beautiful sound to a big pearl colored room...i looked to see a man playing the piano..i walked over to him and touched his shoulder, he turned around...his eyes where glowing red and his teeth were sharp he jumped at me...and i awoke...

it was three A.M....great...i know this sounds stupid...but i went for a walk...when i was little my dad took me for walks to calm me down...i pased the old town bridge...the shops...and downtown...i felt was very quiet when no ones around...then i heard a something from behind me...i turned slowly to see no one...i turned back around and kept on walking untill i heard it again...i stoped...i moved my head from left to one...but then...someone grabed me "HEY LET ME GO! LET ME GO!" i screamed "hehehe no way!" a mans voice said. I struggled and struggled but i couldnt get free...i felt him grab one of my breasts. i jumped. "N-no!!" i said. "never!" he took off my shirt and brought me to an ally...i couldnt move i was frozen with fear...he then took my pants off...please...dont take anything else off! he then ripped off my was about to take of my underwear when he was knocked right off me by someone...i didnt see my his face...the other man got back up and took a gun out and pointed it at my helper stood there fearless...the man shot but it didnt hit my helper somehow it hit the man! i didnt believe my eyes! my helper bent down to me and handed me my clothes..."here" he said and then he was gone...i quickly got into my clothes...i wish i could have seen my helpers face...

i walked home with tears in my eyes...i wish that the man didnt die...i know that he should be punished but not was the one who helped me...who was that guy...i thought to myself for 20 minutes thinking...but nothing came to mind.....i looked at the clock..."wow 5:00 already...i might as well get dressed....." i looked through my closet and pulled out a blue dress that went down to me knees and white leggins...i walked down stairs putting my backpac on.....i grabed my ipod and put it in my ears i walked out of the door...i turned on Dance with the Devil...i really like the song...i walked....and walked....then i felt a tear fall from one of my eyes...." i crying...?" i fell to my knees in tears...i couldnt stop crying....why! why! WHY!!!!! i felt someone take me in their arms...i opened my tearful eyes to see Axel holding me eyes widened..."Axel...?" "Yes?" i felt a blush..."what are you doing here?" "i was walking to school when i saw you crying..." i smiled weakly...."thanks" i said as i got up "wanna walk together?" he asked. i nodded. he took my hand...i blushed...

When we got to school everyone looked at us...i blushed..."Thank you Axel" he smiled and hugged me "no problem cracker Jacs!" he chuckled. "is it ok if i call you that?" i giggled, "sure" he smiled and waved good bye as we both went our ways....

i couldnt run anymore...i loved him...

My classes went by fast and finally study period...i sat at my usual table...i opened my backpac and pulled out one of my reading books...but something made me look up from my looked past all the other see the one in the very see....a boy...looking at...with was him from the dream....he smiled at me showing his sharp teeth...i closed my eyes and then opened them....he was eyes got bigger......he wasnt really there.....i looked back at my book.....i tryed to focus on my book but i couldnt...i know i saw him...or did i....i kept on reading until Lily touched my shoulder "Hey girl! what up!" i looked up from my book to face her "oh you know! just reading!" "So! i saw you holding hands with Axel!" she teased "oh ha ha ha! very funny!" we both laughed "i know your going to the movies with Mike tonight! so do you wanna come over Sunday?!" "Why sunday?" i asked "oh you know! just in case you and Mike have some..'alone time' hehehe" "what! im only sixteen! you got a sick mind Lily!" we both laughed. i looked at the clock "oh! its lunch! we better go!" we both walked to the schools cafe.

We sat down looking for Kelly and Jen....Jen ran up and sat down "Sorry im late! i had a huge test!" we all looke around for Kelly...but no sign of her...we waited 5 more minutes...but she didnt come...

After lunch i walked to my locker to put away some books away in my locker...i closed my locker to see Axel standind behind me "Ah! Axel! you scared me!"he chuckled " whats your next class?" " its Trig." "interesting...i have Lit" we both smiled untill the bell rang...we both said our good bye and left....

I took my seat in Trig class...we all waited for the teacher to walk in...i pulled my head up to see everything was in slow motion...but i wasnt...i moved my head from left to right...then i turned around to was the boy with blood red eyes and sharp teeth sitting in the desk way in the back.....he was staring at he was staring into my soul.....i shook my head and everything went back to normal.....
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when you wished on a shooting star
you wished you could change who you are

you didn't want to be in bed
while others were out with their friends

you'd rather be at school
then be a ghoul

well I've got to tell you the grass is always greener on the other side

everyone wishes for what the cant have
and ignore the great things they've got

no one pays attention to things the already have
and spend their time envying what people around you've got

look around and see
you life isn't as bad as it seems

once you see what life is like for me
then maybe you will believe

your life is wonderful
people would kill to be like you
people would kill to have the things you do

when I look in your eyes I see envy and sorrow
but I look in everyone else's and I see the same thing

no one's life is perfect
no one's life is great
but you've got to realize that's everyone's fate

so get out of you coffin at night
and go back in the bright

drink the blood of a bear
but be where

people would kill to be like you
just as much as you'd kill to be like them

envy is a powerful thing
it can tear people apart
but if it's strong enough to take love
then it's not love by far.
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school 3

8 min read
Isabell knelt down to fix the buckle on her now scuffed up mary jane. "stupid rocks." she muffled to herself getting up. now standing she walked over to the big oak tree and leaned against it for a moment. she was a bit tired from running through the woods behind the school. Following the trail just wasn't her style, she wanted to explore. thus explaining the scuffed up shoe on her right foot. she could've cared less had they not been her new shoes, but alas they were. poor judgment on her part, then again she was never really good on making right decisions. That was part of the reason she was here other than the fact she had no other place to really call her home. She stood up off the tree and began back the way she had came. It was getting dark out and the sun was setting. She was sure her aunt would be calling for her now. 'This is so exciting!' The goddess of the wind was kind as the gentle wind flirted with her light skyblue hair and off white dress. Her long slender fingers reach up to push back her long mid-waist hair. Curling one finger under a strain of hair as her dark blue eyes stare at the sad lake. Her other hand reach down and touch the water. The water told it story and she felt the saddness. Standing up she wipe the water on her dark blue and white blazer. The sun shined on her pearl necklass as she walked away from the lake.

'It so sad, but I must keep my head up. This year is going to be great!' Yuo thought as she walked through the forest and felt the urged to drift asleep. Her eyes grew heavy as she paused in the forest. One hand on the tree and another covering her mouth as a yawan escape her. "I guessed a nap won't hurt." Yuo thought as she knelt down on the ground. Leaning against the tree as her eyes begin to close. 'No. A nap sound heavenly at the moment.' The blue hair sea witch thought.

As her eyes closed, her breathing slow and soft snores escape her body. Her hands was placed in her lap and strain of hair fell over her face. On her way out of the woods near the outskirts of the forest she came across a blue haired girl asleep on the ground at the bottom of a tree. aww she look so peaceful . i wonder if shes a student here .. i think i may have seen her before.. if she is a student should i wake her? hmm.. Isabell stared at the girl for a few moments till the girls arm brushed against Isabells ankle startling her and lifting her brief starring spell. she lightly tapped the girls shoulder. "excuse me miss.." she spoke softly "..the suns going down might you like to get home before it gets to dark out?" her voice shook with a little nervousness. Sarkhan was a mean man, he had few people he called friends and so he had no place to call home and now somehow ended up at this school. how did I get myself in here he thought to himself as he walked in the woods, he was feeling a pull towards something that he didn't know what. He was ready to summon a demon that he held in a blood pact to find out what it was but before he did he saw a couple of young women in the woods. 'Just a few more minutes mom' Yuo thought sleepingly as she felt a soft tap on her shoulder. So, someone had found her afterall. Her eyes slowly open and saw a pretty blonde girl. Her eyes were so big and blue, that it made yup stare unblinkingly. Soon her eyes started to water and she blink a few time before rubbing them sleepingly with one fist.

It took a minute before she notice the sky darkening. "Oi. I slept longer then usual. Must had been tired." Yuo soft voice stated as she used the tree to help her to her feet.

"Thank you for waking me. I'm not good in the dark, so it would had been hard for me to get back alive." Yuo said as she smiled at the end.

The young sea witch fear being left alone in the dark forest. The lake told her many horrible tales, she wish not to get tangle up in them or become another page in the gruesome misfourtune of young creatures who gotten lost in said forest.

"Do you go to the Academy as well?" Yuo asked. Hoping as it would be nice to have a friend for her second year. The first year was hard by herself, which is why it was one of her vows to make atleast one friend this year and to pass with top scores in all her classes.

Looking around her as she felt a slight chill. Yuo grabbed both arms as she wonder which way she should head. A shadow of a figure was in the distant and subconciously she step forward to the mysterious girl. Her eyes sight was pretty bad on land, but she sure someone else was in the forest. Sarkhan grinned as he felt magic in the air. So those two know some about magic, better not attack them someone may miss them, he stepped forward towards the young girls "who are you two?" was all he asked them. 'Dangerous' was all she could describe this man. He was bigger then her and the water in the air was diffrent from nomral hyrdogen and oxygen atoms. He wore a black cloak that shield his face and his voice was older then the male she heard speaking in her year. 'Is he a senior?' Yuo thought as she step closer to the blonde girl.

"My name is Yuo. I'm a student here." Yuo answer quietly and vaguely. Yuo knew bette then to give much information about her self. 'What if he's a bully at the academy? Its bad enough my hair is unsual and can be spotted easily. What if he hates academy students? I shouldn't had given him my name! What if he hate half breeds? but he dosen't know that, but what if he can sense it?' Yuo brain was recking with questions and guilt. Yuo appeared to be alittle scared, but she was desprately trying her best to hide it.

"umm. . .eh who are you? Its only fair." Yuo asked back. Looking more at the ground then the person ahead of her. "heh.." Isabell scratched the back of her head. "it was nothing, and yea my aunts the head mistress of the academy." she smiled feeling slightly important then it faded as a dark figure grew closer and closer. she jumped back a little startled when he spoke to them. looking at him Isabell mumbled.."I'm Isabella Black of Bloody Rose Academy, can i help you sir?" she tightened her fists standing her ground her whole body was shaking inside as she stood her ground firmly. As he got closer he could tell that they were more then human. "I am Sarhkan Vol" he said with another evil grin. "Now what may I ask are you two, I know both of you are more then human"Isabell grinned slightly at his skills. "Why does it concern you what the hell we are? shouldn't really make a difference. but for the record im mostly human." she smirked knowing there was still a part of her that was shadow and she was the only one who knew it. hmm she looks human its a bit shocking that she's not then again something was a bit odd about her.. but she seems safe unlike him he seems cold and dark a force a rather be very far from.. i wish this guy'd state his peace and let us go back to the academy, Aunty's gonna kill me for not being in her office to learn my duties as an admin.. he thoughts continued rapidly till they cam to a dea stop as she noticed how dark it was getting so quickly. "but sir if you'd kindly just tell us what it is you want and let us leave i'd be ever so humble." she smiled her convincing smile hoping it'd help in this situation.
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vampire kisses 2 by xxx-jane-xxx, journal

vampire kisses by xxx-jane-xxx, journal

school 4 by xxx-jane-xxx, journal

when you wished on a shooting star by xxx-jane-xxx, journal

school 3 by xxx-jane-xxx, journal